Planning Your Next Fundraising Event

Is It Time for a Revamp?

By Krista Harding, Operations Director & “Keep Things Organized Guru”

Have you ever attended a fundraising event, full of excitement and ready to fork over some of your hard-earned cash in the name of a good cause, only to walk away thinking, “Well I could have hosted a better event myself!” At their best, fundraising events bring together a group of passionate people ready to do good and have fun on behalf of a beloved organization, but careful planning is critical to their success. You want your guests to feel inspired and eager to contribute to your mission. 

Event planning can come with a long list of challenges, from competing fundraisers to overpriced venues to planning committee members with conflicting visions. While many organizations have an established blueprint after years of fine tuning an annual fundraising event, others are still searching for their event identity. Regardless, we all want our event attendees to leave an event feeling inspired, engaged, and committed to do more. But how? 

·        Use your network . . . wisely. While you may not feel comfortable inviting every single person on your friend list to attend your event, we’ve all got that one friend who seems to know everyone, another who has been to every restaurant in town, and someone who can give you a referral to the best of the best for any kind of service you could ever need. Tap into these networks – and encourage your staff or planning committee to do the same – as you’re looking for event ideas. Recommendations from trusted sources can go a long way and may provide unexpected inroads to discounts, services, or venues you may not have known existed, as well as potential long-term partnerships.

·        Define your style. And not just the dress code! Rather, think about the experience you want your attendees to have. This might be, in part, dictated by the mission of your organization. It might also be influenced by the theme of your event. Either way, defining the vibe you’re striving to create before you embark on the planning process may help you make informed decisions later.   

·        Consider the space. When whittling down possible locations for your event, be both thoughtful and realistic. How far are potential attendees willing to drive? Will having to pay for parking lessen the amount your guests are willing to donate later in the evening? Is the venue both easy to find and easy to enter? Is the room so big that your event will feel poorly attended, or so small that your guests will feel crammed in? Venues help set the tone for an event. Think critically about the “where.”   

·        The devil is in the details. Even the little things matter at big events. Show off your superior customer service by identifying ways to make the event feel personal to everyone in attendance— Think about the best wedding you ever attended. What made it so good? Perhaps it felt like a true reflection of the couple or because the assigned seating placed you smack in the middle of your favorite people. Maybe they included small touches to welcome you, like a gift in your hotel room or nice toiletries in the venue’s bathroom. Many of these ideas are easily transferable to fundraisers and can elevate a standard dinner event to an evening your guests will remember for a long time to come.

·        Know your audience. Or get to know them! Strategically place staff and high-level volunteers throughout the room. This can create an abundance of opportunities to strengthen attendees’ connection to your organization and further cultivate relationships. It also allows you to solicit event feedback in real time. You might prep staff and volunteers by sharing a few talking points, but their shared passion for your organization’s work is the easiest way to lead conversation. 

·        And above all else . . . remember to thank your guests! While this may seem obvious, it cannot be understated. We know event attendees have a large array of organizations to choose from when deciding where to lend their financial support. Thank your guests, genuinely, at every possible opportunity. 

If you and your Board are looking for fundraising and/or event support, at any level, the team at Strategic Consulting & Coaching stands ready to help! For more information, please e-mail


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