By Holly Messick

Whether you're a first-time supervisor or an emerging leader, this has been a daunting time to step into a leadership role. 

A year ago, I remember sending my staff home thinking we’d be away from the office for a few days or, at most, a couple weeks. I’d been through my share of delayed office starts and closings with snowstorms in Chicago, -30 temperatures in the Twin Cities, an office flood, an elevator fire. Staff went home for a few hours or a few days and then it was business as usual. Not this time. Nothing was usual about this time. Everyone went home and stayed there.

In-person events suddenly became virtual experiences. Zoom calls flooded our calendars as we all tried to make sense of what was happening. Fundraising took a hit. Team members we cared about lost their jobs. It was overwhelming. As a leader, I had to balance all that I was feeling and experiencing in order to positively lead my team. All my years of coaching along with incredible mentors prepared me, as best as they could, for this moment.  

If you’re new to a supervisory role, or you will be soon, now is the time to build your skills as a leader. We’ve developed a four-part interactive leadership series to support you. We’ll help you find and strengthen your leadership voice as well as build your support team and a plan to lead your team over the next 90 days. You’ll gain new knowledge, practical skills and tools to guide you as you lead your team along the road ahead.

Click here for more information and to register.


NEW SCHEDULE: Becoming a Leader in Uncertain Times


Candidate Search: Community Development Manager