MSSA's 125th Annual Training Conference & Expo

MSSA's 125th Annual Training Conference & Expo,March 21-23, Minneapolis Hilton

The Minnesota Social Service Association's (MSSA) Annual Training Conference & Expo is the largest, most comprehensive health and human service conference in the Midwest. It brings together 3,100 health and human service professionals from MN and surrounding states. There are 150 educational sessions covering a broad spectrum of topics along with well-regarded local and nationally recognized speakers.

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SCC's Karen Goodenough MSW, LGSW, Principal Consultant, will present an educational session, "Supervising the Not-So-Reflective Practitioner."

Session description: Supervising grown folks is not an easy task. In fact, the more we do it, the more we realize that some people are much easier to supervise than others. Why is that?

This session will help both new and seasoned supervisors think about this question as it pertains to the myriad of skill levels and personalities we try to support in our jobs as supervisors. Whether it's daily task supervision, weekly supervision sessions, group supervision or bi-monthly licensure supervision, our first task is the same as with any client – we must start where the client is.

For supervisees, this means taking the time to assess the level of reflective practice that is comfortable for each individual and then shaping our work together in a way that supports both their learning and ongoing growth as a supervisee.

Objectives for the session:

  • Learn the definition of reflective practice – what does it LOOK like in supervision?

  • Task supervision vs. reflective supervision

  • Learn how to assess the reflective nature of each supervisee o

  • Those who come to supervision with a list of items to get answers to and check them off vs. those who come thinking about their practice and how it affects themselves and what skills they bring to their practice

  • Learn techniques for supervising those who are less reflective

Click here to learn more about the Conference & Expo and to register. Online registration closes at midnight, March 12. On-site registration is available. 


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