We all have a story, a cause, a nonprofit that speaks to our hearts. During this season of giving and gratitude, we asked each member of our team to share one of theirs with you.

Imogen Davis: MN350 is an organization I support. I grew up in Boulder, CO, where the beauty of the natural world enthralled me every day. Our family explored the mountains, the plains and the desert of the West during annual summer camping trips, and I lived outside, barefoot, in the summers, sleeping in the back yard under the stars whenever I could.  I believe combating climate change and the systems that have supported its perpetuation are the existential issues of our time, and MN350 works tirelessly on the local, state, and regional level for climate justice. Their vision is to “transition from an extractive economy based on fossil fuels and consumption to a sustainable, life-affirming economy with energy from the wind and sun.”

Climate change is also an issue of oppression: “Fighting climate change requires dismantling the intertwined systems of oppression that have flourished within this old story that humans exist separate from nature and are ordained to conquer nature, devour its gifts and dominate non-human life. Thus our vision encompasses the uprooting of the systems of racism, gender oppression, the dispossession of indigenous people, and predatory capitalism.”

