We all have a story, a cause, a nonprofit that speaks to our hearts. During this season of giving and gratitude, we asked each member of our team to share one of theirs with you.

Jennifer Hipple: I support Emma Norton Services (ENS) and the work it’s doing to support women, children, and youth in need. ENS is a trauma-informed organization that provides transformational housing to women and families on their healing journey from homelessness, mental illness, and chemical dependency. Its two programs provide women and their children with a safe, secure place to live, and supportive programs. Emma Norton Residence provides permanent group residential housing in downtown St. Paul, serving 50 adult women. Emma's Place in Maplewood offers permanent, supportive, and affordable housing for 13 families with three or more children along with after-school and children's programming. A new Scattered Site program partners with small landlords to support women and families secure housing and thrive in the community.


Candidate Search: Development Manager
