We all have a story, a cause, a nonprofit that speaks to our hearts. During this season of giving and gratitude, we asked each member of our team to share one of theirs with you.

One organization Heidi Herron supports is KIVA, which was created by a team of women. KIVA makes loans to help under-served communities around the world thrive. A single donation can be paid back and re-lent again and again to more folks in need.  “I can donate locally through KIVA or internationally, depending on what is happening in the world,” Heidi says. “We make it a family ‘game’ and our kids will surf through the stories online and we all vote before we donate. It really helps us engage our children to start thinking like philanthropists from a young age. In fact, our 17-year-old son recently said, ‘I just got paid, can we do a new KIVA?’”


Job Opportunity: Program Coordinator
